Parent Newsletter | November 2024

Dearest P.E.T. Families,
Thank you to our PPO Committee for organizing the Welcome Back Fun Day! The Inflatables & Mr Puffs were enjoyed by students and staff. Thank you also to all parents for ensuring that your child arrives to school on time and in proper school dress code. This is the best way to help your child start the day and for their routine to become established.
Thank you to all wh particpated in our coffee fundraiser! A total of 492 bags were bought along with some donations, to raise a total of $5918.47! Thank you! Please remember that if you do not want to participate in the fundraiser, you can always donate money for the cause.
School fees and the first payment of lunch fees should be paid. If you have not done so, please call the school and make an appointment with Ms Elisabeth. We understand that times might be hard, and so if a payment schedule needs to be put into place, please speak to me.
PPO is always looking for volunteers. Please get your forms completed and bring them into school with two photo ids so that you can volunteer at school events, partake in outings, read to our students, help with distribution of items, etc, etc. In November, we have planned the Book Fair and Bake Sale during Parent Teacher Interviews, as well in December, there will be Breakfast with Santa. We welcome parents to be involved in our community.
There are many items in our lost and found. It is very important that you label all your child’s items (sweatshirts, hoodies, jackets, boots, etc).
Thank you to all for your cooperation with rue Cartier being closed and the bus drop-off and pick-up being moved to rue Chabot.
Pizza Lunch & TCBY Fundraisers’ forms were sent out in October. If you did not complete it but would like for your child to participate, please call the school and speak to Ms Elisabeth.
Thank you again to our PPO for organizing scary storytelling for Halloween and giving each student a treat and glow-necklace for trick-or-treating! Amazing costumes worn by our students and staff! Spook-tacular school spirit!
Congratulations to all students who participated in the 31 Acts of Kindness!
A reminder to all parents: Voters within the territory of the English Montreal School Board will cast their ballots for the choice of chair and commissioner in 10wards on Sunday, November 3, 2024 (10am to 8pm). Make your voice be heard and GO VOTE!
Winter is around the corner, and it is getting colder outside. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately. Students are to be in school dress code when inside the school. This includes sweaters and sweatshirts that must be solid navy blue or white, without large logos or graphics. All students must wear closed-toe shoes in school. No booties or boots allowed.
I thank you once again for all your support and cooperation. Take care and be well.
Let’s go PET Families! It’s GAME ON! Continue LEVELING UP!
Ms Alvares