Parent Newsletter | January 2025

Dearest P.E.T. Families,
Thank you for participating in our month of holiday spirit! A reminder that these dress-down activities are always optional and not forced. for your generosity as we collected non-perishable food items, toiletries, socks, and new toys that were donated to St Brendan’s parish and Pariosse Notre-Dame de la Consolata.
Thank you to all who attended our amazing Holiday Music Concerts. Thank you to our talented students and our amazing teacher, Mme Arianne. Thank you to all who supported the entrepreneurship initiative by the Origami Masters, a few grades 3 & 4 students, for the $154 raised that will go towards school activities. Thank you to all who supported our PPO at the Bake Sale and Coffee sales during the concerts, where $431.20 were raised. Thank you to LaFrenaie and Brookies for their delicious donations. If you couldn’t buy your ZAB coffee bags (PPO Fundraiser), you can come to the school to buy a bag or two. We only have coffee grain bags left, no filtered coffee.
Thank you to our PPO, Ms Mary Red Hair and all the parent volunteers for taking the time to help with our Breakfast with Santa. Thank you to Metro Marcanio for their food donations. Santa made a grand visit and each class took a group picture with Santa which the teachers will share with their classes.
School fees and the first payment of lunch fees should be paid. If you have not done so, please call the school and make an appointment with Ms Elisabeth. The second instalment of the lunch fees has changed, since we have added a PED Day (April 4, 2025). As such, the second instalment of lunch fees for K4 & K5 are $132 (paid to Daycare) and for Grades 1 to 6 are $133.50 (paid to school). We understand that times might be hard, and so if a payment schedule needs to be put into place, please speak to me.
Our practice lockdown went very well on December 16. This is a required exercise that we must do every year. Thank you to our staff for ensuring that our students are safe, and thank you to our students for their cooperation.
Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately. Students are to be in school dress code when inside the school. This includes sweaters and sweatshirts that must be solid navy blue or white, without large logos or graphics. All students must wear closed-toe shoes in school. No booties or boots allowed. Have your child keep their running shoes at school.
For Daycare parent pick up, when the temperature is cold, we have allowed parents to enter the stairwell to wait for their child. We will continue doing so. Please ensure that there is a pathway for students to leave and that students can use the stair handrail. An attachment is also sent with this newsletter regarding the Hop Hop Program.
There are many items in our lost and found. It is very important that you label all your child’s items (sweatshirts, hoodies, jackets, boots, etc).
Monday January 6 is a PED Day and Daycare is open. When we return, a reminder that the first day of school is Tuesday January 7. We will then be sending home a letter for Scones Grad Fundraiser (please support our grads), an information letter about Mozaik Registration for all PET students for the next school year that will take place through Mozaik from January 13 to January 24. Sibling registration (any student who has an elementary aged sibling) will take place the week of January 27 to 31. Our school OPEN HOUSE is on Thursday January 23! More information to follow!
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Let’s keep leveling up in 2025! Wishing you all love, peace, health and happiness in 2025! Let’s make it a memorable year! GAME ON!
Sincere wishes.
Ms Alvares