Parent Newsletter | February 2025

Dearest P.E.T. Families,
Thank you to all who attended our Open House! The energy, passion, dedication, and love were felt by all who entered our school! Thank you to our students, staff, and parents! Our P.E.T. Community is a beautiful one and we look forward to those who will register to join us! Thank you to our PPO & Grad Committee for the fundraisers! Thank you also to the Origami Masters!
Thank you to all parents for registering your child for the next school year through Mozaik. A reminder to all current families that if you have a child of school age and would like to register them, please call the school to make an appointment to register your child. Last week, was sibling registration week and we received many registrations. The first week in February is the registration period for all. Registration is on a first come first served, so please register as soon as possible.
Thank you to all who supported the Grad Committee’s Grade 6 Scones Fundraiser with a total of $3590 in sales! THANK YOU!
School fees and the first payment of lunch fees should be paid. If you have not done so, please call the school and make an appointment with Ms Elisabeth. The second instalment of the lunch fees has changed, since we added a PED Day (April 4, 2025). As such, the second payment of lunch fees for K4 & K5 are $132 (paid to Daycare) and for Grades 1 to 6 are $133.50 (paid to school). We understand that times might be hard, and so if a payment schedule needs to be put into place, please speak to me. The 2nd payment was due on January 29.
Winter session after school activities will start the week of February 3. A reminder that PELO classes are continuing and that students are to continue with those classes.
There are many items in our lost and found. It is very important that you label all your child’s items (sweatshirts, hoodies, jackets, boots, etc).
While we want the students to get out at recess times to run around the yard and have fun, we must also be careful when temperatures become frigid. At recesses, lunchtime, and during daycare, if the temperature dips to -20 degrees Celsius, when making the decision, the following are taken into consideration: sunshine or lack thereof, wind /intensity thereof, wind chill index, time of day (after school when sun is going down), amount of time spent outside. As such, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately to go outdoors.
Students are to be in school dress code when inside the school. This includes sweaters and sweatshirts that must be solid navy blue or white, without large logos or graphics. All students must wear closed-toe shoes in school. No booties or boots allowed. Have your child keep their running shoes at school.
A reminder to kindly use Mozaik or call the school to report your child’s absence by 8:30 am.
Please check your child’s health daily and inform the school of any concerns or diagnoses. Check your child’s agenda daily.
February is a busy month: Seeds Fundraiser, 100th Day of School, Valentine’s Day Dress Down, Valentine’s Bake Sale, end of Term 2, Pink Shirt Day for anti-bullying, Staff Appreciation Week! Please print out the last page of this newsletter and have your child write a note to their amazing staff members!
Wishing you all a great month in February! Spring break is the week of March 3 to 7, whereby the school will be closed. Please ensure that your child brings home all that they need before the break.
Sincere wishes and lots of love!
Sincere wishes.
Ms Alvares