Parent Newsletter | February 2024

Dearest P.E.T. Families,
The days and months are flying! Spring is around the corner! Our March Break is from March 4 to 8, where the first day back to school is on Monday, March 11.
Thank you to all parents who completed the survey for our Educational Project. Your input is greatly appreciated. As this was anonymous, many ideas or suggestions were written, please contact me as I would like to discuss further with those parents.
Our lockdown drill was successful. Our students and staff followed all rules and safety was carried throughout. Thank you too all.
Thank you to all our students who volunteered at our School Open House. Thank you to all parents who attended! We already have many sibling registrations and look forward to next week’s registration. The grade 4 students sold honey from our Alvéole beehive that is outside of our school. This was a part of their entrepneurship project. Thank you to all who supported the Grade 6 Bake Sale ($145.50) and the PPO sales of coffee and chocolates ($70.25).
We collected $318 for the paid dress down for mental wellness. Thank you to all who contributed!
Our pre-cycle students had their vision screening done by the program École de la vue. Parents should have received the results and are to follow the recommendations made.
Winter is here and the weather is continuously changing. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately. Students are to be in school dress code when inside the school. This includes sweaters and sweatshirts that must be solid navy blue or white, without large logos or graphics. All students must wear closed-toe shoes in school. No booties or boots allowed. Please label all of your child(s) belongings (pencils, sweaters, hoodies, shoes, etc).
All parents/legal guardians must have a Mozaik account. To report your child’s absence, enter it on Mozaik before 8am. Please do not email the school or secretary for absences.
A reminder to all parents of Grade 4, please note that there are exams in January and February. For students in Grade 6, exams are during the end of April, May and June. Your child is to be present at school during their exams. Please contact us should you have any questions.
February is a busy month with many activities (see the calendar). Please ensure that your children arrive to school on time to be seated at the desks for 7:35am. The after-school winter activities will begin this week too.
Staff Appreciation Week will take place from Feb. 26 to Feb. 29. PPO has organized a great week to recognize all our staff members for their dedication, passion and love of teaching with our children. A letter will sent for you to help contribute to this special week of giving thanks to the staff members. Your help and support will be great appreciated!
Due to the strike days, the report cards will now be issued on Monday February 26 through Mozaik. Parent teacher interviews are still held on Thursday February 29. Teachers will be inviting certain parents to meet with them to discuss their children. You will be asked to book your appointment by a certain date. After that, booking appointments will be open to everyone. A reminder that these interviews are held virtually from 3-5:30pm, and 6:30-9pm. Thank you for respecting the deadlines.
Wishing you all a beautiful month!
Ms Alvares